This is Cory and I in Boulder with the Tulips and next to that is us walking with Lucas, (Nathan is next to Cory pushing Bridg) my eyes are closed but everyone else looks good.

Here is me holding what apparently is a future image of my daughter if I were to have one and Cory looking at Pics from NV's trip to Utah last April. The one next to that is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen. This shows me how wonderful my husband is and if we are ever blessed enough to have our own children he will be an amazing Father just like the husband he is. It is Cory holding Lucas after Lucas woke up from his nap.

Here is another Pic of Cory holding Lucas and The other is Spencer, many of you have heard about him he is my handicapped Brother he is SO amazing.
Fatty Bridg and Lucas being the cool guy he is.
Here is Noah, he kept hiding behind that glass and wouldn't let me get a good picture but he is adorable none the less. And the other one is Cory teasing Bridgette before lunch.
Sorry to back track but this is Boulder again, before Nathan knew there was a surprise party for him! It was awesome but we had to be really sneaky.
Lucas saying "question mark?!" and Lucas and Cory walking. We love our Niece and Nephews!!!
I don't have a picture of me holding Elijah the newest Nephew he is a cutie I can't wait till he gets big so we can feed him candy like all the other little punks!!