Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time Flys

So i finished my workout a little early and decided to make a few notes to catch anyone I haven't spoken to up on a few things. First of all i cannot believe how quickly fall is coming. I really don't know what happened to the past month.

Not a whole lot has happened just been working and football started. But one thing that did happen was that Thursday September 4 my Grandfather passed away. This was my Mom's Dad. he was 83 and had lived a long life. I have the greatest husband in the world because I was so dazed after finding out that he planned our whole trip to Denver. When we got there he was very supportive (even though he had the flu he still went everywhere with me). My grandfather passing away was hard on my Mom and I am glad we could be there for her and the Family. My Grandfather was a great man who fought for our country in WWII and Korea. He always had stories to tell and ever since I can remember he always called me Little-bit. I am so glad I have great people around me. For those of you who I don't speak to enough I am sorry and I hope that changes. I know life can be taken away to soon and I really appreciate everything I have ever gotten. I have an Amazing husband who I love more than I thought possible and a great family. I am not sure if this blog seems jumbled but I wanted to write a few thoughts and it is 6 AM. I just want to thank everyone who has made me who I am. Love you all

John Quinton Plumb - Thanks for watching over us, I know you are.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Liz - so sorry to hear to news, but I'm glad you updated your blog! Sending hugs your way!

Liz "the trainer" :-)